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Article marketing

In affiliate marketing, article marketing means writing and sharing related articles. These articles give valuable information or solve reader problems while subtly promoting the affiliate product.

The aim is to build trust, drive traffic to the affiliate’s site or sales page through embedded links. Articles can be published on the affiliate’s site, directories, or guest posted on relevant websites and blogs.

Matt Cutts advises against article marketing as an SEO strategy. It often results in low-quality, duplicate content and links. Focus on creating high-quality, naturally linked content and using social media marketing. Google views article marketing negatively for its limited value.

Article marketing is important as it builds trust and authority. Good content attracts potential customers, informs them about products, and guides them towards buying.

An affiliate article should offer valuable info, subtly promoting the product. It can include an affiliate link naturally in the content or author bio.

Affiliates can publish their articles on their own websites or blogs, submit them to article directories, or guest post on other relevant websites. The aim is to reach a wider audience and drive traffic to the affiliate links.