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Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO establishes credibility and authority required for higher search rankings. It is a crucial component of any effective SEO strategy.

What is Off-Page SEO?

Off-page SEO refers to actions and factors outside of the website that help improve rankings and visibility. It complements on-page optimization.

For example, off-page SEO includes:

  • link building,
  • social shares,
  • earned media mentions,
  • directory listings,
  • optimizing Google My Business,
  • and building brand authority.

The video provides a beginner’s introduction to off-page SEO and how optimizing external factors like link building, social media, and citations can help boost a website’s search engine rankings and traffic.

It builds credibility and authority signals that search engines use to rank pages. On-page SEO alone is insufficient for top rankings.

Link building, social media marketing, earning editorial links, optimizing citations, leveraging brand mentions, and expanding external online presence.

External signals like links and social shares tell search engines a page is authoritative on a topic, improving its rankings.

Start with foundational signals like Google My Business, citations, directory listings, and expanding social media reach.