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adidas affiliate program

Adidas Affiliate Program




Imagine lacing up your sneakers, feeling the thrill of the race, and knowing that every step you take leads to a rewarding finish. This is exactly what it feels like to be part of the Adidas Affiliate Program.

As a globally renowned sports and fashion brand, Adidas offers the opportunity to turn your love for sports, style, and marketing into a profitable venture. If you’re a blogger, influencer, or simply someone with the drive to succeed, this program is your ticket to earning while promoting top-notch products that resonate with your audience.

Let’s embark on this exciting journey together, exploring the dynamic world of Adidas’ affiliate marketing, where your passion meets your income.

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What is the Adidas Affiliate Program?

The Adidas Affiliate Program is a partnership opportunity where Adidas collaborates with individuals such as bloggers, influencers, and website owners to promote its products. This collaboration operates on an affiliate marketing model.

Adidas affiliate program commssion rate:

Cost Per Action (CPA) Cost per sale
Commission Rate 2% to 14% (7% to 10% on average)
Cookie Duration 30 days
Payment Threshold N/A
Payment Options BACS, direct transfer, or Paypal

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How to Join the Adidas Affiliate Program?

  1. Visit the Adidas Affiliate Page: Navigate to the official Adidas website and find their affiliate program page. This page will provide you with information about the program and how it works.
  2. Apply for the Program: There should be an ‘Apply Now’ or ‘Join Now’ button on the affiliate page. Click on this to initiate your application.
  3. Fill Out the Application Form: You’ll be asked to provide details about your website or marketing platform, including its URL, the type of content you produce, your traffic statistics, and your promotional strategies. You may also need to provide personal information such as your name, address, and contact details.
  4. Accept the Terms and Conditions: Before submitting your application, you’ll be asked to read and agree to the affiliate program’s terms and conditions. These will cover details like commission rates, payment terms, and obligations of affiliates.
  5. Submit Your Application: Once you’ve filled out all necessary information and accepted the terms, submit your application. The Adidas affiliate team will review your application.
  6. Wait for Approval: If your application is approved, you will receive an email confirmation with further instructions on how to get started, including how to access your unique affiliate links.

How the Adidas Affiliate Program Works?

  1. Join the Program: Interested individuals apply and join the program, typically at no cost.
  2. Get Unique Affiliate Links: Once accepted, they receive unique affiliate links or codes that they can share on their websites, blogs, or social media platforms.
  3. Promote Adidas Products: Affiliates promote Adidas products using these links. This can be done through various channels such as blog posts, product reviews, social media posts, video content, and email newsletters.
  4. Earn Commissions: When someone clicks on these affiliate links and makes a purchase on Adidas’ website, the affiliate marketer earns a commission. This commission is a certain percentage of the sale price.
  5. Access Tools and Support: Adidas provides various marketing tools, such as promotional banners and product images. They also offer tracking tools to monitor clicks, sales, and commissions.

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Adidas Affiliate Marketing Tools and Resources

You’ll gain access to a variety of tools and resources designed to help you successfully promote their products and track your performance. Here’s a breakdown of some of the key tools and resources you can expect:

  • Affiliate Links and Banners: Adidas provides unique affiliate links that you can embed in your content. They also offer a variety of banners in different sizes and styles that you can use on your site or social media platforms.
  • Promotional Content: The company often provides promotional content, such as product images, descriptions, and sometimes even pre-written blog posts or email templates. This can save you time and ensure you’re accurately representing the products.
  • Data Feed: Some affiliate programs offer a data feed of their product catalog. This is especially useful if you run a larger site or a shopping comparison site.
  • Tracking Tools: You’ll have access to tools that help you monitor your progress, including how many clicks your links are getting, how many of those clicks lead to sales, and how much commission you’ve earned.
  • Training Resources: Adidas may offer training resources to guide you on best practices for promoting their products. This could include webinars, tutorials, blog posts, or direct support from their affiliate team.
  • Newsletters: Regular updates and newsletters will keep you informed about the latest product releases, upcoming promotions, and changes to the affiliate program.

Tips for Success with the Adidas Affiliate Program

  1. Understand Your Audience: Knowing who your audience is and what they are interested in is crucial. If your audience is interested in sports, fitness, or fashion, promoting Adidas products can be very successful. Make sure the products you promote align with their interests.
  2. Provide Quality Content: Whether it’s a blog post, a social media update, or a newsletter, make sure your content is high-quality, engaging, and provides value to your audience. This can help build trust and make your audience more likely to click on your affiliate links.
  3. Promote Wisely: Don’t just randomly insert affiliate links into your content. Instead, create comprehensive product reviews, how-to guides, and list-style articles that naturally incorporate the affiliate links.
  4. Leverage SEO: Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies to help your content reach a wider audience. This includes using relevant keywords, creating quality backlinks, and ensuring your website loads quickly.
  5. Utilize Social Media: Social media can be a powerful tool for promoting affiliate products. You can create engaging posts about Adidas products, or use the products in relevant context within your posts.
  6. Stay Updated: Adidas will regularly update their product line and launch promotions. Make sure to stay updated with these changes by subscribing to their newsletter or regularly checking their affiliate portal.
  7. Track Your Performance: Use the provided affiliate tools to track your performance. This can help you understand what strategies are working and where you need to make improvements.
  8. Follow the Rules: Make sure to always follow Adidas’ affiliate program rules and guidelines. Breaching these could result in your removal from the program.

Pros and Cons of the Adidas Affiliate Program


  • Brand Recognition: Adidas is a globally recognized brand with a strong reputation, making it easier for affiliates to promote their products.
  • Wide Product Range: Adidas offers a wide range of products across various categories, providing more opportunities for affiliates to find products that resonate with their audience.
  • Marketing Support: Adidas provides a variety of marketing tools and resources, including promotional banners, product images, tracking tools, and potentially training resources to support their affiliates.
  • Regular Updates: Affiliates often receive regular updates on new product releases and promotions, helping them stay current and optimize their marketing strategies.


  • Competitive Market: The sportswear and fashion market is highly competitive, and affiliates might face stiff competition in promoting Adidas products.
  • Approval Process: Not everyone who applies to the Adidas Affiliate Program gets accepted. The approval process can be selective, and some applicants may not meet Adidas’ criteria.
  • Commission Rates: Depending on the comparison with other affiliate programs, some might find Adidas’ commission rates less competitive.
  • Cookie Duration: The duration of the tracking cookie could be shorter compared to some other affiliate programs, potentially limiting earning opportunities.

Comparison to Other Affiliate Programs

The Adidas Affiliate Program offers a unique opportunity to promote a globally recognized sports and fashion brand. However, it’s always beneficial to compare it with other affiliate programs to make an informed decision.

Adidas vs Nike

Nike is another major player in the sportswear industry, but the programs differ in a few ways:

  • Brand Preference: While both are reputable brands, your audience may have a preference. Knowing your audience’s brand affinity can help determine which program might be more successful.
  • Product Range: Both offer a wide array of products, but the specific range and styles may differ. Depending on what your audience is interested in, one might be more suitable than the other.
  • Commission Rates: As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, both offer competitive commission rates, but these rates can change, so it’s important to check the current rates.
  • Marketing Tools: Both provide marketing tools and resources, but the specifics may vary.

Adidas vs Amazon

Amazon’s Affiliate Program is one of the most popular due to its vast product range. A comparison includes:

  • Product Variety: Amazon offers a wider range of products beyond sportswear, which can be a plus if your content covers various topics.
  • Commission Rates: Amazon’s commission rates can be lower than Adidas’, but Amazon might offer a higher conversion rate due to its popularity and customer trust.
  • Cookie Duration: Amazon’s cookie duration is 24 hours, while Adidas’ cookie duration may vary but could potentially be longer.

Adidas vs Fashion

There are many fashion-specific affiliate programs like Zalando, ASOS, and ShopStyle. Comparing Adidas with these programs would revolve around:

  • Niche Focus: If your audience is more fashion-focused, these programs might offer a wider range of styles and trends.
  • Brand Recognition: Adidas’ strong global brand recognition might lead to higher conversion rates for a sports and fitness-focused audience.

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Q: How long is the cookie duration for the Adidas Affiliate Program?

The cookie duration refers to the period during which the affiliate can earn a commission after a customer clicks their link. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the specific cookie duration for the Adidas Affiliate Program wasn’t provided. You would need to check the current details on Adidas’ affiliate program page or during the application process.

Q: Can I promote Adidas products on more than one website or platform?

Generally, yes. Most affiliate programs allow you to promote their products across multiple platforms, as long as each platform complies with their program guidelines. However, during the application process, you may need to provide information for each website or platform where you plan to promote Adidas products.

Q: What happens if a customer returns a product or cancels their order?

Typically, if a customer returns a product for a refund or cancels their order, the affiliate will not earn a commission on that sale. The specifics should be outlined in the program’s terms and conditions.

Q: Can I join the Adidas Affiliate Program if I live outside the United States?

The availability of Adidas’ Affiliate Program can vary by country. Some affiliate programs are open to international affiliates, while others may be restricted to certain regions. You would need to check Adidas’ affiliate page or contact their affiliate team for the most accurate information.

Q: Can I buy Adidas products through my own affiliate link?

Generally, most affiliate programs do not allow self-dealing, meaning buying products through your own affiliate links. You should review Adidas’ program terms and conditions to confirm their policy.

Q: What if I need help or have questions about the Adidas Affiliate Program?

If you need assistance or have questions about the program, you should be able to contact Adidas’ affiliate support team. The contact information or support resources should be provided when you join the program or available on Adidas’ affiliate page.


In summary, the Adidas affiliate program offers publishers and influencers the opportunity to earn attractive commissions by promoting Adidas products. Despite a rigorous application process, once accepted, affiliates gain access to a wide selection of products, marketing assets, and competitive commission rates.

For publishers passionate about sports and fashion, the Adidas program provides the promotional tools and brand recognition needed to build a lucrative affiliate marketing relationship.