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vultr affiliate program

Vultr Affiliate Program

The Vultr affiliate program offers publishers an opportunity to earn commissions by promoting its services. Check out now for more details.


Up to $100 per referral


30 days



Vultr is a renowned provider of a wide range of cloud infrastructure services. It now enables publishers to turn their content into a revenue stream by bringing new users to this platform.

This article will provide you with an in-depth look at the Vultr affiliate program. If you still wonder why this program is worth considering, let’s dive in now!

Overview of Vultr

Founded in 2014, Vultr is a cloud infrastructure provider that offers compute, storage, and network solutions. The company provides on-demand access to cloud servers, bare metal servers, block storage, and other infrastructure products.

Vultr operates globally, with 19 data center locations across North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. Its key features include real-time provisioning, hourly billing, redundancy, and user-friendly control panels. It helps handle compute-intensive workloads well, from gaming servers to machine learning.

Overview of the Vultr Affiliate Program

The Vultr affiliate program pays publishers to promote its subscription plans. For each plan sold through your affiliate links, you’ll get a commission. The commission structure is very competitive.

Vultr allows publishers from every niche to join. Yet, this program works best for content creators and influencers in cloud computing and web hosting. The signup takes only a few minutes and costs no fee.

As a Vultr affiliate, you can access banners of all sizes and logos to display on your sites. You can also reach the Vultr team for further support if needed.

Vultr Affiliate Commissions and Payment Details

Vultra affiliates can earn up to $100 per referral. The commission rates vary depending on the type of plan sold through your affiliate links.

The cookie duration lasts for 30 days. This means if your audience completes payment for a Vultr’s plan within a month from the last click, your referral will be qualified.

Vultr pays publishers from the 1st to the 15th of every month through PayPal. The minimum payout balance is $100.

Pros and Cons of the Vultr Affiliate Program

Joining the Vultr affiliate program can bring you both pros and cons.

Pros Cons
High commission rate (up to $100 per referral) Limited payment method
Long cookie window (30 days) High minimum payout balance

Vultr offers a competitive commission rate of up to $100 per sale. Publishers can quickly pile up a large affiliate income over time. Plus, the 30-day cookie duration gives publishers plenty of time to promote and attract more visitors.

However, you can only receive your money through PayPal. This could cause difficulty for those who favor bank transfers or direct deposits. Your affiliate revenue must also exceed $100 for your money transaction and withdrawal.

Vultr Affiliate Program Sign-up Instruction

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to join the Vultr affiliate program in 5 simple steps:

Step 1: Visit the Vultr affiliate Page

Go to https://www.vultr.com/company/referral-program/ to find helpful information about this program.

Step 2: Access the registration site

On the homepage, click “Get started” to move to the registration site.

Step 3: Complete the registration form

Fill in all the required information with your valid details. Next, submit the form to send your application request.

Step 4: Wait for approval

Vultr will review your application within several days before approval.

Step 5: Vultr affiliate program login and promoting

Once approved, you can log in and access your affiliate dashboard to start promoting.

Best Tips to Optimize Your Earnings as An Vultr Affiliate

Here are some tips to maximize your affiliate marketing efforts with the Vultr affiliate program.

First, it’s important to identify your right target audience. It could be developers, businesses, or individuals in need of cloud hosting services. Then you can tailor your promotion strategies to reach this audience effectively.

Next, publishers should produce high-quality content related to cloud hosting, server management, or technology in general. This can include tutorials, guides, case studies, or comparison articles. By providing valuable information, you can attract more visitors and increase your conversions.

Moreover, you need to ensure your affiliate links are visible and easily accessible to your audience. For example, if you’re writing a review or tutorial about cloud hosting, include affiliate links to relevant Vultr services.

One more tip is to interact with your audience as much as possible. You can reply to their comments, and inquiries, or open some related discussions. This will help you to attract more potential customers and keep loyal ones.

Is the Vultr Affiliate Program Right for You?

The Vultr affiliate program is a lucrative opportunity for publishers wishing to extensively monetize their content.

With a commission of up to $100 per referral, you can earn thousands of dollars every month. You can also benefit from a long cookie period of up to 30 days. Publishers may take advantage of this time to improve their performance and encourage repeated purchases.

However, to get a high income, publishers should be ready to make extra efforts to find out the right strategies and continuously improve their performance.


  • Does Vultr operate an affiliate program?

Yes. Vultra allows publishers to earn money by promoting its subscription plans.

  • Who should join the Vultr affiliate program?

It is best suited for publishers in cloud computing, web hosting, and IT infrastructure.

  • Is there a fee to join the Vultr affiliate program?

No. The Vultr affiliate program is free to join. You simply sign up on their website to get started.

  • Are there any minimum requirements to become a Vultr affiliate?

No. Vultr does not disclose specific traffic, sales, or approval requirements to join its affiliate program.

  • Can the Vultr program be combined with other affiliate programs?

Yes. You can promote other web hosting, cloud infrastructure, and technology affiliate offers alongside the Vultr program.

  • What are the best Vultr affiliate program alternatives?

Some top alternatives are DigitalOcean, Linode, and Cloudways affiliate programs.