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Important Referral Marketing Statistics Not to Miss 2024

Referral marketing statistics are invaluable proofs that underline the value of highly effective referral marketing campaigns. But how, you might ask? How can thoughtfully designed and expertly executed referral programs produce spectacular numbers other strategies can ...

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Referral Marketing Statistics

Referral marketing statistics are invaluable proofs that underline the value of highly effective referral marketing campaigns.

But how, you might ask? How can thoughtfully designed and expertly executed referral programs produce spectacular numbers other strategies can only dream of beating? What assumptions can we formulate from these percentages and ratios? How can businesses and brands integrate the learnings into their customer referral programs?

We gathered 20 of the most striking referral stats to help you form a more valid and wiser decision to run your company and drive its bottom line using customer relationships. Ready? Let’s start.

What is Referral Marketing?

Referral marketing is a cost-effective strategy for businesses to advertise by encouraging existing and loyal customers and partners to recommend their offerings to social networks (i.e., families, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and business contacts).

It’s nearly identical to traditional word-of-mouth marketing, except the strategy is more purposeful or deliberate. Moreover, the method often involves rewards or incentives to motivate customers to share positive reviews and experiences with social contacts. The goal is to entice others to become potential customers.

More new clients translate to increased brand awareness, more significant brand loyalty, and a more robust bottom line.

20 Most Important Referral Marketing Statistics You Must Know

Referrals make more effective strategies than other forms of advertising. Such bold claims deserve clear-cut evidence to help you design and launch a successful referral marketing strategy.

We identified the key advantages of referral marketing to brands and businesses and supported them with the latest referral stats. Let’s get to it.

Referral Marketing Makes You More Money

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Well-designed and expertly executed referral marketing programs can boost a company’s bottom line to unimaginable heights. Imagine generating a hundred thousand dollars monthly, translating to seven-figure revenues after leveraging referrals.

No business owner wouldn’t like that!

But how does that work, and what statistics support such claims?

Consider the following referral marketing examples.

  • After ditching their dollar-based incentive scheme for a more attractive percentage-based program, fashion accessories company Get Back Necklaces registered a staggering 320% referral revenue increase.
  • Shopify merchant Thinx posted an equally impressive 114% revenue growth after integrating their referral program into the platform.
  • Natural Dog Company’s referred customers posted an average order value (AOV) 20% higher than non-referred clients.

Your business might not have identical results. However, the fact remains. Referral marketing can be an awesome strategy for driving more sales to your coffers.


Referrals produce high-quality leads. They hinge on our close ties and deep connections with people within our social circles. Even with an average referral rate, you can maximize people’s convincing power and interpersonal relationships to encourage others to try your brand.

  • Thirty-nine in 50 businesses consider referral campaigns essential in generating higher-quality leads.
  • Three in five online marketers recognize the value of referrals in increasing lead volume.

The more excellent-quality leads you to produce, the better the chances of generating more revenues.

Word-of-mouth Is Powerful 

Referral marketing is nothing more than a sophisticated, well-crafted word-of-mouth advertising strategy. It hinges on a customer’s positive experience to spread nice words about your business.

To whom do they share such information?

Anyone within the customer’s social circle is a candidate. That includes family, relatives, colleagues, friends, acquaintances, fellow club members, and business contacts. They might even tell your brand to fellow commuters, diners, and strangers.

Word-of-mouth referrals are more powerful than traditional marketing or advertising models. The following stats prove this point.

  • A formal referral program leveraging people’s connections and word-of-mouth advertising increases marketing effectiveness by at least 54%.
  • Four in five B2C and B2B transactions are more successful with a trustworthy word-of-mouth recommendation.
  • Nearly three in four consumers consider word-of-mouth when buying.

These figures underscore referral marketing’s effectiveness in leveraging word-of-mouth strategies. Consumers trust people closest to them more than total strangers unless the latter are popular or celebrities. That increases referral likelihood, giving you more chances of translating those connections into meaningful sales.

Customers Trust Recommendations

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Although word-of-mouth is at the core of referral marketing, trust must be present to be successful. After all, a stranger sharing information about a brand is less likely to build a strong case for a personal recommendation than someone you know.

Trust is crucial in relationships, including businesses and consumers. Likewise, potential clients must trust recommendations made by the brand’s advocates or ambassadors.

For example, suppose you have an advocate inviting a colleague to sign up with your program. The potential client might not trust the referrer if the professional relationship is somewhat sour. Meanwhile, a relative or close friend might be more inclined to trust the referrer because they have known each other for many years.

So, what stats can support this observation?

  • Forty-one in 50 Gen Zers trust friends’ and family’s product recommendations.
  • Nielsen says 46 in 50 consumers trust earned media, including family or friend recommendations and word-of-mouth endorsements. About nine in ten consumers trust brand or product recommendations from people closest to them.
  • Over four in five consumers trust social media referrals or recommendations.

These figures underscore the value of trust. And when consumers trust a product, they become staunch supporters of their favorite brands. It translates to more revenue-growing opportunities, allowing your business to reach its pinnacle.

Referral Is Among Top’s Marketing Performance Channel

Referral marketing beats other marketing channels. It empowers businesses to generate more revenues without denting their operating budgets and bottom lines. Unsurprisingly, it’s a strategy worth executing, especially with the following stats.

  • Twenty-one in 25 B2B decision-makers initiate purchases with referrals.
  • Two to five out of ten buying decisions result from positive word-of-mouth advertising or marketing activities.
  • Forty-one in 50 B2B companies cite successful referrals as instrumental in generating new business.

We must reiterate the value of one’s personal and social relationships, especially the trust between and among friends. Because people trust close friends’ recommendations, earning the latter’s trust is easier.

Everything boils down to how rosy advocates paint your brand. They could create and publish positive online reviews, and their followers would trust them. Bad experiences with your company can have the opposite effect.

Real-life experiences matter. Unsurprisingly, more and more B2B buyers leverage social media networks to share information, recommend high-quality offerings, and offer advice.

Business owners must consider designing a referral program leveraging social media networks. Such a strategy will produce better results because it hinges on people’s connections and interactions. It’s more natural.

Conversion Rate Of Referral Marketing Is Off The Chart

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Brands and marketers worry about conversion rates. It’s a metric worth monitoring to know a marketing program’s effectiveness. Such a parameter describes the number of leads becoming customers.

For example, suppose each brand advocate produces 100 referrals from people closest to them, but only ten referees become customers. In that case, your conversion rate is 10% (100 ÷ 10 = 0.10).

We must mention that the average conversion rate from referrals is 2.35%. You must produce 10,000 referrals to gain 235 new customers. Still, 2.35% looks more impressive than affiliate marketing’s 0.5% to 1% average.

Here are some stats underscoring referral marketing’s conversion prowess.

The implications for businesses are significant. After all, brands want to expand their customer base to grow revenue sources. Generating more profit is easier with more customers. Referrals can boost new customer acquisition and empower companies to increase their bottom lines.

Retention Is Surprisingly High With Referral Marketing

Retention rate is another metric many businesses monitor and analyze to make strategic decisions. It describes customers staying with the company over a predetermined period. Most businesses call it the “churn rate.”

But why is it valuable?

Did you know that acquiring new customers is five to 25 times more expensive than retaining existing ones and ensuring a happy customer base? Moreover, nearly two-thirds of revenues come from existing customers. That’s how valuable satisfied customers are to any business.

Unsurprisingly, referral marketing guarantees higher client retention rates than other marketing channels. Consider the following.

  • Referral customers are 37% more likely to stay with the brand and continue supporting and patronizing its offerings, becoming loyal clients.
  • Referral customers bring more business to the company, registering 16% higher customer lifetime values.
  • The brand loyalty of referred customers is 18% higher than non-referred clients.

Brand loyalty is vital to a company’s success. Just look at Apple, Samsung, and other iconic brands. Rough times don’t matter because these brands command loyal customers’ trust, respect, and admiration.

Making a purchase decision is never an issue with a loyal customer. Businesses can exploit that, allowing them to generate more revenues.

Why are Referrals Important for My Business?

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A powerful referral marketing program can help your business grow its customer base and give you more opportunities to boost sales, drive brand awareness and loyalty, and ensure a more lucrative bottom line.

Referrals are vital for businesses because they empower companies to make more money with little to no cost. The only expenditure you will worry about is the incentives and rewards for customers’ referral marketing efforts. That won’t dent your marketing or operational budget, allowing your company to thrive.

Of course, a sound strategy and creative marketing ideas help.

The power of referrals is instrumental in ensuring higher customer lifetime values (CLV). Did you know referred clients have 16% higher CLVs than non-referred customers? You can leverage these customers to bring more business to your company.

High CLV rates guarantee higher returns for every money spent on retaining clients. They will continue patronizing your brand. And as long as you deliver impeccable customer service and exciting offerings, customers will stay with you for a lifetime.

Lastly, people trust recommendations from friends. And if customers share positive experiences about your brand with their friends, you can bet more people will become aware of your company’s existence.


Referral marketing statistics provide the rationale for creating referral marketing programs. Although business owners can interpret the figures differently, such stats can point decision-makers to the most appropriate revenue-generating strategies.

This marketing strategy generates more and higher-quality leads, giving companies better customer conversion opportunities. That boosts sales, translating to higher bottom lines. More importantly, referral marketing empowers businesses to improve customer retention programs and ensures steady cash flows for decades.

Ellie Tran, a seasoned SEO content writer with three years of experience in the eCommerce world. Being a part of the UpPromote team, Ellie wants to assist Shopify merchants in achieving success through useful content & actionable insights. Ellie's commitment to learning never stops; she's always eager to gain more knowledge about SEO and content marketing to create valuable content for users. When she's not working on content, Ellie enjoys baking and exploring new places.