Safeguard your affiliate program against fraud
Take better control & keep your program safe with our advanced affiliate fraud detection.

Prevent lost revenue from suspicious sales
Shield your program’s integrity against bad actors
Ensure a level playing field for honest affiliates
Watch out for suspicious affiliate signups/referrals
Detect and prevent any shady affiliate enrolment or scam referrals. If too many registrations/referrals originate from one specific IP address, you can choose to ignore those orders completely or flag them for further review.

Block specific affiliates out of your program
Have concerns about an affiliate? Simply enter the emails of affiliates you want to block, and we’ll prevent them from entering your program before anything bad happens.

Refuse referrals from suspected IP addresses
Notice unusual purchase activity? Make a list of IP addresses and we’ll block all sales generated from those addresses.

Hide registration page from
search engines
Make your affiliate sign-up page invisible from search results to avoid spam submissions. Make your program accessible to targeted affiliates only.

Geo-target specific countries
or regions
Select preferred countries or regions where you want to accept affiliate signups. Target the right markets to find the right partners.

Eliminate fraud &
safeguard your
affiliate program
Sign up now to protect your affiliate program from fraud and ensure secure, trustworthy operations.
Start for free